Prefab passive green home built with SIPs: Green Modern Kits house kit!
Green Homes For The Rest Of Us!
Green homes, solar power, energy efficient kits

Green Modern Kits?

passive zero prefab house kit

Modern prefab homes: house plans taken a step further with passive solar prefab house kits built with SIP (structural insulated panels).

Each of our prefab green homes is a modern house kit / green building house that provides you with a modern house kit / modern home solutions, energy efficient cabin, planned with achievable green net zero energy and off-the-grid possible through passive solar design and energy efficient SIPs.

We are green building architects, house kit fabricators, industrial designers and idea people who create modern, environmentally friendly, affordable, green homes for the rest of us.

Green Modern Kits: Green Building For The Rest of Us! tm

Green kit house: The R1 Residential by Grace Street

Affordable Prefab Green Homes Built With Passive Solar & SIP!
1. The casa ti passive solar is a one story modern prefab that emphasizes the outdoors. See construction of our net zero off-the-grid prototype here!   
2. The R1 Residential prefab celebrates gorgeous passive solar, energy-efficient two story prefab home design with lots of green options.

Here, we embrace passive solar design with SIPs ( structural insulated panels). Architecture that allows for your personal customization and budget. Time-tested solutions with the latest sustainable housing technology. Celebrate beautiful, practical, energy-efficient modern design!

zero energy passive solar prefab house kit: casa ti by David Day

Like our family, begin to save up for a green goal, whether it be a solar cooker or a prefab green modern passive solar house kit. Reduce dependency on precious resources AND financial loans.

Save for, invest in, then enjoy your effort for generations.

zero energy passive solar prefab house kit: casa ti by David Day