Prefab passive green home built with SIPs: Green Modern Kits house kit!
Green Building For The Rest Of Us!
Green homes, solar power, energy efficient kits

Green Housing / Modern Home Designs:
Modern Home Design brought to you by Green Modern Kits.
Modern house kits - Passive Solar Houses - Structural Insulated Panels ( SIPs ) - Easily Net Zero Energy / Off Grid

David Day and 3 North partnered with Green Modern Kits to provide affordable, energy-efficient, modern home design to prefab enthusiasts.

Our small footprint modern homes are passive solar and built with SIPs (structural insulated panels).

casa ti by David Day

David Day Designs casa ti:
Imagine a 1,200 square foot, Three bedroom, one-story, passive solar home with gorgeous modern design, radiant heat, SIPs, and beautiful living flow. Click here!
See our Net zero energy off-the-grid house prototype here.

If you would like to be inspired, see our green architect, David Day Architecture's site.

3 North

The R1 by Grace Street
The R1 Residential:
Larger, two story living: Passive solar design, SIPs, with natural ventilation / convection via central “stack” which could be augmented by whole house fan. You could install radiant heat, a grey water recovery system, and more to make this prefab house your green dream!

1st floor: 1196 s.f.
2nd floor: 832 s.f.
Optional bath: 140 s.f.
Total Area: 2028 s.f. without bath, 2168 s.f. with bath

New! The R1 Residential Modern Addition and Modern Garage

If you would like to be inspired, see 3 North's site.

Imagine this... For You... Affordably.